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Frog Hand Knit doll toy (mixed blues/greens)
Frog Hand Knit doll toy (mixed pink)
Frog Hand Knit doll toy (mixed teal/green)
Frog Hand Knit doll toy (olive green)
Frog Hand Knit doll toy (pink)
Frog Hand Knit doll toy (pinks/reds)
Frog Knit doll Dress
Frog Knit doll overall shorts
Frog Knit doll overalls
Frog Knit doll overalls (peach)
Frog Knit doll OverAlls dark blue
Frog Knit doll SWEATER
Gingerbread Soft Sole Baby Shoes
Gold accent miniature bathroom set
Gray and White Dots Baby Bib
Gray and White Dots Soft Soled Baby Shoes
Gray and White Dots Soft Soled Baby Shoes+Bib
Handmade 13 inch keepsake doll